Sen. Chiz speaks up about leadership
I am a journalism student from the University of Eastern Philippines and presently a student trainee of Lloyd Luna Communication.
An aspired trainee - working with the country’s foremost career philosopher, Lloyd Luna - and a citizen soon to participate national election, I really am pushed to contribute for a participative campaign opened both to the public and aspirants. And so, I am into blog development. It’s which is accessible for comments, views and crusades of everyone for 2010 national election.
With this purpose I’d gone through days of reaching out the presidentiabes and ask for their views, beliefs regarding such national happening.
Moreover, the information and views that I got were not set at nought, but were posted for the viewers and subscribers of our blog to be able to closely scrutinize and make a right decision upon learning each motivational scheme for a change and development.
Meanwhile it is rich for me to be accommodated in the senator’s office.
Anyways, I sat down with a computer in front and a public figure on the other line. Here is the result of the question ad answer part. Make way for Senator Francis “Chiz” Escudero.
Joradel: You are known for years of experience in politics; armed with skills and knowledge, had you plan your life this way?
Sen. Chiz: Modesty aside, my gift with words and reasoning (logic) easily led me to friendly and intellectual arguments. This naturally led me to be a debater in college. This debating skill led me to my taking up law and becoming a lawyer. Armed with skill it was natural for me to win over people who would agree with my argument. But words without integrity would be just that, empty and meaningless words. Early on I realized that for words, arguments or promises to to be effective it should be accompanied with integrity on the part of the person saying those words. To be a person with integrity I learned from my parents. Meaning, mean what you say or say what you mean, and, practice what you preach. At a young age I had an idea of what politics is all about because of the exposure of my dad in politics. My attending the University of the Philippines also has something to do with my being involved in politics, especially in College and in my law proper. My being a husband and father has added another dimension or vantage point for me to see, analyze, look, and judge things or situations that confront me now. Different personalities I have met, political or otherwise, have also influenced or taught me important things in life. All of these things, in one way or another, helped shaped me what I am today. I continue to evolve on a daily basis. Hopefully, for the better.
Joradel: For your untarnished leadership and exemplary achievements, you were awarded and recognized globally. Did it help or motivate you to work harder?
Sen. Chiz: I do not consciously do things expecting to be awarded later on. I try to do things to the best of my ability. If I am given an award for the things that I do I treat it as a bonus. Not that I treat awards or recognitions lightly, on the contrary, I value them for I am reminded that whatever good things you do in life highly respected organizations or institutions. local or international, would give you a pat on the shoulder. I admit it feels good and motivates me to keep on going.
Joradel: You are eyeing the presidential derby, do you see yourself busier than the regular days in the senate?
Sen. Chiz: Up to now I have not made up my mind to run for the position of president. As usual I am busy i legislative work. From time to time I consult the people in different parts of the country as my busy schedule will allow me.
Joradel: It is one year before election, how will you go about courting the support of the people and the potential political allies, or should I say, have you started cultivating your bailiwick?
Sen. Chiz: If ever I run for a higher position next year, the courting or winning of votes will have to be done during the campaign period. That is the ethical and legal period to do the campaign. Trying to win political leaders o anybody’s side is the job of political parties. In my case, NPC.
Joradel: Your supporters could say that this is your chance to be in that position, how will you boost your chance sizably?
Sen. Chiz: Same answer as #2.
Joradel: What do you think is the good attitude or principle a leader should possess?
Sen. Chiz: The first and foremost requirement is genuine love and care for he people. All other things flow from this - things may not be perfect and the worst that could happen is that the project is wrong but the intention is good. In this situation, the people can understand.
Joradel: As a public servant, how will you describe yourself? Are you an organization person, people person?
Sen. Chiz: Forgive me for refusing to answer this question. As a public servant and senator, it is not for me to give myself a grader. Rather, it is the people I serve who should rate what I do.
Joradel: Any last message to the public?
Sen. Chiz: Participate in the political process and educate yourself as to the issues confronting our society today. Closely scrutinize those who are posturing for next year’s election and be guided with the word “integrity”. Thank you!
Well, that’s it for Sen. Chiz., “Boses ng Pilipino”.